Our Facility
Technology & Audio/Visual
Livestream our Sunday gatherings into the community, oversee the house mix, or build and manage PowerPoint presentations to engage others in worship by serving in our Audio/Visual ministry. Both beginner level and advanced training is available for individuals with and without prior experience.
Lawncare & Grounds
Mowing and trimming creates an inviting and purposeful facility that can be enjoyed and better utilized by our church family, recovery groups, homeschool co-ops, and our surrounding community on a weekly basis. From March – November, interested volunteers can sign up to provide lawncare once a month. Equipment including a gas-powered riding and a self-propelled push mower, a gas-powered backpack blower, and a battery powered blower and trimmer are provided. Spring and Fall create opportunities for additional care that include leaf removal, pruning, exterior cleaning, weed control, and fertilizing. Participate through organized clean-up days or simply donating an hour or two of your time whenever you are available.
Building Maintenance
Every facility requires upkeep. Create a welcoming, comfortable, and functioning facility by performing maintenance as needed, contributing your electrical, plumbing, or building skills, joining a renovation project team, painting, cleaning carpets, or providing pest control.